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Kent C 23 London C 21

Inter CountyWell, we're just about to go into the third match of this county season at home to Hants and I've just remembered I haven't submitted my report for the last one yet! Sorry guys!

As you'll know, the Ccs unfortunately lost our match 23-21. This was the first time I tasted defeat since taking over as captain five matches ago, and I don't like it and don't want to taste it again!!!!! Having said that Kent were particularly strong and we have to take some positives from the match, not least the amazing comeback we mounted to almost earn the draw.

The match started very tight - we led 6-5 after the first quarter, and it was real nip and tuck. At half-time they had edged ahead, 12-10. That lead was stretched to 18-15 after the third quarter, but then they went on a blitz and won another four frames to take it to 22-15. I am really proud of the way my boys refused to give up, though, and they got their heads down and poached frame after frame, we had a run of five straight from Kevin, Tony, Alex, Peter and Pat. With the draw in sight we had Colin and Bruno on the tables, both solid players to have in that position. Sadly Bruno was unable to continue the run so the match was over although Colin did win his to mean we only lost by two.

There were no four-framers for us. Tony, Alex and Pat all achieved 3/4 and the performances over two matches of Alex and Pat can't have gone unnoticed at levels above. Akar, Joe, Peter Mac and Colin all pulled out respectable 2/4s, Bruno got 1/4, Michael 1/3, Mark 1/2 and Kevin a terrific 1/1. Andre will be disappointed with 0/3, Shane with 0/2 and Paul with 0/1 on his debut. I'm sure they'll all make up for it next time.

The award for weirdest county debut has to go to Mark Hester. He broke, and duly potted the black! The balls were re-racked, he broke again, and this time potted the white! Fortunately he got over his colour confusion and won the frame! Biggest cheer of the night was for Kevin Dempsey when he won his frame in really impressive style. As ever Kevin was a star, refereeing the first half of the match for us before coming on as a player.

I look forward to seeing you all on 11th April for the home match with Hampshire. Let me know if you are unavailable. There's real competition for places now and most people have played at least a frame, so Pat and I have some decisions to make for next week!

The Doctor


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