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London Ladies County Match Away To Surrey 22-02-2015

Inter CountyOur first game of the season was away to Surrey. Last season we managed a draw and a very close loss, 23-21. It was never going to be an easy match, but with the new players we had signed up I felt that a win was definitely on the cards.

The 1st leg was a big disappointment as we only managed to win 4 frames even though we had chances to win a few more. First game nerves seemed to have got the better of us and we were trailing 7-4. Not the best of starts, we had to act now before the rot set in.

The 2nd leg we turned it around. We got our act together winning 7 frames making it 11-11. We seemed to have found second gear along with a great response in supporting each other. There was a buzz in the air as there always is when we play against Surrey due to the closeness of our games.

In the 3rd leg I made a substitution and put Linda in for Avril. We blew them out of the water winning 9 frames out of the 11 making it 13-20 to London. Now this was what I was hoping for and my team delivered when we needed it the most. Team moral was running high and we only needed 3 more frames for the win.

In the 4th leg I made another substitution and put Kate in for Charlotte. It’s never an easy decision of who and when to sub in, but with a team of 17 players they all deserve a chance to fight for their place. Kate won her game giving us the winning frame. We kept the pressure up and won 7 frames making the final score 17-27 to London Ladies.

What a great result, well done to all the players for a fantastic team effort whether you played or not. We picked each other up when the going got tough and it showed in the end result.

Well done to the subs, Linda and Kate who won all of their games, not an easy thing to do going in cold.

Women of The Match

This went to Sharon Bains, one of our new signing this season. Sharon played some great pool and even though she lost her first frame, she made a great comeback.


Emma Cunningham, Lucy Nettleingham, Sharon Bains, Sue Studman, Samantha Wyatt, Kirsty Edwards won 3/4.
Sarah Evans, Angie Hobbs won 2/4.
Linda Redwood won 2/2.
Corinne Grattan won 1/4. Charlotte Muir won 1/2. Kate Hillman won 1/1.

Sarah Long, Carol Mckenzie.

Sue Studman (Team Captain)


#1 | LucyN on March 01 2015 18:51:36
Well done ladies! Clapping

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