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County Team Trials 2011

Inter CountyTrials for our County squads for 2011 will be held on 16th and 23rd January as follows:

Main squad (A, B, and C Teams)
Sunday 16th January 2011
£10 entry fee

Ladies and Junior Teams
Sunday 23rd January 2011
£5 entry fee

The following details apply to both days:
* Registration is at 11.30 am for a 12 noon start
* Trials use the Swiss System
* All games played using World Rules
* Tables on free play
* Venue is our county venue: JFK's in Peckham

There is no prize money but successful triallists will receive a discount off their first year's subscriptions (of £4 for the 16th, and the whole £5 for Ladies/Juniors trialling on the 23rd).

We have a system for the A/B/C teams which means that successful triallists should normally expect to start in the C team at best, and perhaps only as a reserve. Please don't be put off by that fact. London is a strong Pool county, with both A and B teams being current National Champions, so it's not a trivial matter to break into those teams. Having said that, everyone in the squad will get a chance if patient. And proven ability and commitment will be rewarded.

In exceptional circumstances we do occasionally let people bypass the C or even B team stages, for example if they have already played at Professional, International, or County A team level.

Our use of the Swiss System means that everyone entering the trials will get plenty of pool for their money. You should expect to be playing into the early evening if successful.

If you're not sure if you're good enough why not come along and give it a go. You may get through, and if you don't then you'll end the day with a better idea of where you stand and what you might need to work on. And obviously please encourage your pool-playing friends to come along too.

If you don't know World Rules obviously you'll be better off if you prepare by reading them (see here) and preferably having a go with someone who already knows them. But people will also be on hand on the day to explain things if needed (although not to coach you during your trial matches).

An important additional point to make is that the EPA do not allow their members to play in inter-county 8-ball pool set-ups run by other organisations. So if you currently play Blackball county and successfully trial for (and choose to join) our squad, you will have to commit to resigning from your Blackball county team. Sorry but them's the rules.

For further info please call Jerry Tickell on 07773 373045


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