Local Pool Leagues in London
The starting points for most pool players looking to develop their game, or just have fun playing it in a competitive
environment, are the many local leagues being played in pubs and clubs across London.
If you are looking for such a league in your area, check out the "Affiliated Leagues" link below. If there isn't a
league local to you in that list please feel free to get in touch with GLCPA, or post a question in our forums.
Leagues themselves are encouraged to affilate to Greater London County Pool Association.
This brings many benefits including:
- Entry into the National Champion of Champions competitions
- for the league winners and singles winners
- Entry into the London Interleague competition
- for a team (or teams) representing the league. They play teams representing other leagues in London,
for the chance to go forward to the National Interleague competition.
- Support and advice
- regarding for example Rules and matters of a Disciplinary or Organisational nature.
- Individual benefits
- players in the league become eligible to register, through GLCPA, with the national governing body the EPA. They can then trial for one of the County sides
(Men/Ladies/Juniors) which in turn opens the possibility of earning a trial for the England squad.
They can also enter individual events such as the Region 7 Tour, other national competitions which are restricted to EPA members (including the National Individual
Amateur competition),
and they become eligible for other events closed to GLCPA members such as our Singles Leagues and World Masters qualifier.
There is a great deal more information on all the above in the "Benefits of Affiliating" document linked to below.
If your league does not currently affiliate to GLCPA, but you'd like them to take advantage of the opportunities listed above,
please put it to your league's committee and ask them to have a look at this page and/or get in touch.